Friday, December 11, 2020

Three Things Right Now


Author Jen Hatmaker asks guests on her weekly podcast to name what or who is saving their lives right now. I love this question because we truly live in seasons where the answer will always vary. I think of this often when reflecting. My answer is in a set of 3:

1. Prayer: I'm not the go-to person when it comes to prayer. I pray BIG & BOLD prayers, and the devil knows this so he'll find everything possible to keep me from praying. I'm so glad God knows my heart and hears my prayers. When I do pray, I am so filled with balance and perspective and gratitude. This is definitely saving me.

2. Podcasts: Listening to a funny podcast (Office Ladies, thank you very much) easily removes the stress of the day.

3. Peloton: I have been using the Peloton app for cycling, running, strength training, yoga, meditation, and stretching for 30 straight days. I used to be the President and CEO of anti-exercise. Now, I actually look forward to working out. I almost don't recognize myself! Who am I?! I'm so grateful for the community within Peloton, as well as the routines I've been able to build. I may not see a difference in the scale yet, but for the first time in my life, I can jog/run for longer than 30 seconds. 

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