Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Today's blog post is a fun one! I'm linking up with Shay and Erika for Three Things I would take on a stranded island...Today's topic: medicine cabinet items...

The closest I've ever come to being stranded was all night in an airport when I missed my flight. That was a nightmare. We were cold, exhausted, and in need of a good teeth brushing!

I have zero outdoors skills. Remember that episode of Full House when they go to Hawaii but get lost and have to set up camp? I'd be like Danny Tanner with a broom cleaning up.

I hope I'm not there by myself, but rather, with someone who can make a fire and shelter, and s'mores. S'mores make everything better!

Allergy medication: whether there's pollen or a bug bite, I'd happily take a Benedryl

Blistex Moisture Melt: I have the driest lips. I recently found this at Ulta and it's awesome!
I know a lot of ladies would want either toothpaste or a toothbrush. I cannot have one without the other, so I'd bring this combo! 
Lookin forward to next month: 


  1. The toothbrush...I can't believe I forgot to add that to my list. Oops!!

    1. LOL easy to forget! I forget to pack one on vacations and have to find a Target!
